Report by the WTO Secretariat

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: Trade Policy Review: Chinese Taipei 2018 , pp 11-157
- Publication Date: September 2019
- DOI:
- Language: English
Since its previous Trade Policy Review in 2014, the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu’s (Chinese Taipei) relatively strong fundamentals and well developed outward-looking economy have helped maintain macro-financial stability and ensure the resilience of its export-led economy. During the review period, annual GDP growth ranged from 0.8% (2015) to 4% (2014), and its annual average rate for the period 2014-17 stood at 2.3%, a major slowdown compared to previous performance (averaging 4.3% over 2002-13). Monetary and fiscal stimulus measures are being used to spur economic recovery. Despite some innovation- and labour-related concerns, Chinese Taipei has maintained its position among the world’s most competitive economies, with among the highest living standards, while registering a slight decline in income inequality. Weaknesses in some areas are being addressed via ongoing reforms. Whereas inflation evolved cyclically (0.6% in 2017), the unemployment rate dropped progressively (3.8% in 2017).
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