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- Making trade work for women
- Chapter
Assessing the potential of trade policy reform for closing gender wage gaps

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: Making trade work for women , pp 40-59
- Publication Date: September 2023
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/9789287042712c005
- Language: English
On average, female workers receive a lower wage than male workers. In this chapter, we analyse the potential contribution of trade policy reform to a reduction in this gender wage gap. We first establish four stylized facts: (i) tariffs are on average higher in more female labour-intensive sectors; (ii) trade costs are on average larger in female labour-intensive services than in goods; (iii) services trade restrictiveness is higher in more female labour-intensive services; (iv) trade costs associated with the need for face-to-face interaction are larger in female labour-intensive sectors.
© World Trade Organization
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