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- Making trade work for women
- Chapter
Gender mainstreaming in trade agreements: “A Potemkin Façade”?

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: Making trade work for women , pp 234-253
- Publication Date: September 2023
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/9789287042712c014
- Language: English
The distributional outcomes of trade agreements have historically been uneven, creating both “losers” and “winners” and benefiting certain stakeholders while leaving others without benefits or even with negative repercussions. In particular, distributional outcomes can vary between women and men, since they play different roles in society, markets and economies, and they enjoy different opportunities as well. At times, and sometimes by their very nature, trade agreements can restrict opportunities for women and further increase the gender divide. But in recent years, there has been a drastic upsurge in the number of countries that are incorporating commitments on gender equality in their trade agreements.
© World Trade Organization
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