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- World Trade Report 2022
- Chapter
The role of trade in adapting to climate change

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: World Trade Report 2022 , pp 26-49
- Publication Date: June 2023
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/9789287053961c008
- Language: English
While reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential to limit the consequences of climate change, climate change is already having a major impact on the environment, people and, as a result, the global economy. This chapter explores the impacts of climate change on international trade and discusses the role that trade, trade policy and international cooperation can play in supporting climate change adaptation strategies. Climate change increases trade costs and disrupts production and supply chains. However, trade and trade policies, in conjunction with relevant policies and international cooperation, can help to alleviate some of the impacts of climate change, including on food security, by contributing to enhancing economic resilience.
© World Trade Organization
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