Report by the WTO Secretariat

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: Trade Policy Review: Moldova, Republic of, 2022 , pp 11-109
- Publication Date: June 2023
- DOI:
- Language: English
The Republic of Moldova is a small, open, landlocked, upper-middle-income country. The services sector dominates the economy, accounting for 64% of GDP, while agriculture continues to play an important role as well (accounting for 12% of GDP and around 21% of employment), particularly in rural areas. Remittances represented nearly 15% of GDP in 2021, and the population has continued to decline as relatively young workers emigrate. The Republic of Moldova is dependent on imports of fossil fuels (including gas, which is also used to generate electricity), while state-owned enterprises continue to play an important role in the economy, particularly in terms of employment.
© World Trade Organization
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