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- World Trade Report 2023
- Chapter
Re-globalization to reduce poverty and inequality

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: World Trade Report 2023 , pp 17-18
- Publication Date: January 2024
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/9789287074126-009.zhtml
- Language: English
This chapter discusses how fragmentation could have a negative impact on growth, poverty and inequality, and how re-globalization could help to ensure that the gains from trade are spread more broadly both between and within economies. Opening up trade in agriculture and services and developing new e-commerce rules could boost growth, reduce poverty and make the global economy more inclusive. The WTO can help to facilitate a more inclusive global trading system by updating trade rules at the multilateral level and by working with other international organizations to ensure more people benefit from world trade.
© World Trade Organization
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