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- The WTO at Twenty
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Dispute settlement – clarifying rules and resolving disputes

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: The WTO at Twenty , pp 60-67
- Publication Date: October 2015
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/e2cbea30-en
- Language: English
One of the most important features of the WTO – and a major result of the Uruguay Round – is its strengthened dispute settlement system. Settling disputes has always been a core function of the multilateral trading system, but the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) represents a significant improvement over the GATT's approach in several important respects. Above all, the system is more efficient – this is an acknowledgement of the importance of prompt dispute settlement to an effective and smooth functioning WTO. Whereas GATT disputes had no fixed timetables, the WTO instituted a more structured process with clearly defined stages and deadlines. As a result, the WTO has one of, if not the, fastest international dispute settlement mechanisms. At the panel stage, most cases are completed in about 14 months; and Appellate Body reports are, with very few exceptions, issued in no more than three months.
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