Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region

- Authors: Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson
- Source: Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region , pp 1-1
- Publication Date: January 2009
- DOI:
- Language: English
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This book explores the complex relationship between international trade and poverty reduction through a combination of research papers and contemporary case studies. Written mainly by developing country authors in consultation with local businesses and communities, the case studies contribute to our understanding of the ways in which low-income communities are dealing with trade as a practical challenge, especially in the Asia-Pacific region where approximately two thirds of the world’s poor live. While making it clear that there is no ‘one size fits all’ formula, the research and stories highlight a number of necessary preconditions – such as political commitment and cooperation at all levels – if trade is to successfully reduce poverty. Openness to trade, serious commitment to domestic reform, trade-related capacity building, a robust and responsible private sector and access to the markets of developed countries are all identified as powerful tools for building trade-related sustainable development.
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