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- World Trade Report 2021
- Chapter
Why economic resilience matters

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: World Trade Report 2021 , pp 20-63
- Publication Date: November 2021
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/afbfef5c-en
- Language: English
Over the past decades, natural hazard-related and man-made disasters have increased in both frequency and severity. The effects on society and on the economy of these disasters, and the prospect of even greater risks and disasters in the future, linked to the challenges of climate change, have underlined the factors and strategies needed to avoid, mitigate, adapt to and prepare for shocks, as well as to manage risks and vulnerabilities. The term “economic resilience” has become a popular one to describe these broad, diverse strategies.
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Related Topics:
Economic research and trade policy analysis
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