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- Annual Report 2015
- Chapter
Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS)

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: Annual Report 2015 , pp 69-71
- Publication Date: May 2015
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/9ae06740-en
- Language: English French, Spanish
The TRIPS Council carried out its regular work on promoting transparency of WTO members’ intellectual property systems and reviewing WTO members’ implementation of the TRIPS Agreement. It continued discussions on access to medicines for the poorest countries, biotechnology and technical cooperation, among other topics. The Council also exchanged information on and debated a number of issues raised by individual countries. It considered various aspects of innovation policy, in particular the role of university technology partnerships and innovation incubators, and heard a number of case studies. The Council also continued its discussions on climate change and tobacco control policies.
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Related Topics:
Trade monitoring
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