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- Annual Report 2000
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- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: Annual Report 2000 , pp 1-4
- Publication Date: May 2000
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/ea144a81-en
- Language: English French, Spanish
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1999 was a turbulent year for the WTO. After the Organization had been without a Director-General or Deputy Directors-General for four months, the new Director-General, Mr. Moore, took office only on 1 September, when the Third Ministerial Session at Seattle was already looming. It is a matter of record that, despite a year of hard preparatory work by the Chairman of the General Council, delegations and the Secretariat, the Ministerial failed to reach agreement either on the launch of a new Round of trade negotiations or on the other important points which had emerged in the course of the preparatory process. Furthermore, the WTO found itself at the centre of a wave of resentment against many aspects of the global economy, for which the Seattle Ministerial became a focus.
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