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Trade in natural resources: Introduction

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: World Trade Report 2010 , pp 40-43
- Publication Date: June 2010
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/6257574d-en
- Language: English French, Spanish
Natural resources are fundamental for human life. Non-renewables such as oil and natural gas are transformed into the energy that is essential for the production of virtually any other good or service. Renewable resources such as forests, fisheries and aquifers are some of the world’s most precious natural assets. Properly managed, they also have the potential to provide an unending stream of products that contribute greatly to the quality of human life. Natural resources represent a significant and growing share of world trade and amounted to some 24 per cent of total merchandise trade in 2008. The volume of this trade has been quite steady over the past decade, but in value terms has grown annually at 20 per cent.
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Related Topics:
Economic research and trade policy analysis
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