
On 4 October 2000, India requested consultations with the United States concerning: final affirmative determinations of sales of certain cut-to-length carbon quality steel plate products from India at less than fair value by US Department of Commerce (DOC) on 13 December 1999 and affirmed on 10 February 2000; interpretation and use of provisions relating to facts available in the anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations by DOC; and determination and interpretation by the US International Trade Commission (ITC) of negligibility, cumulation and material injury caused by the said Indian steel imports. India considered that these determinations are erroneous and based on deficient procedures contained in various provisions of US anti-dumping and countervailing duty law. According to India, these determinations and provisions raise questions concerning the obligations of the United States under the GATT 1994, the Anti-Dumping Agreement, the SCM Agreement, and the Agreement establishing the WTO (WTO Agreement). India considered that the provisions of these agreements with which these measures and determinations appear to be inconsistent, include, but are not limited to, the following: Articles VI and X of the GATT 1994; Articles 1, 2, 3 (especially 3.3), 5 (especially 5.8), 6 (especially 6.8), 12, 15, 18.4 and Annex II of the Anti-Dumping Agreement; Articles 10, 11 (especially 11.9), 15 (especially 15.3), 22 and 27 (especially 27.10) of the SCM Agreement; Article XVI of the WTO Agreement.

Countries: India ; United States

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  • Published online: 28 Jun 2002
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