
On 20 March 2001, Peru requested consultations with the EC concerning Regulation (EEC) 2136/89 which, according to Peru, prevents Peruvian exporters to continue to use the trade description “sardines” for their products. Peru submitted that, according to the relevant Codex Alimentarius standards (STAN 94-181 rev. 1995), the species “sardinops sagax sagax” are listed among those species which can be traded as “sardines”. Peru, therefore, considered that the above Regulation constitutes an unjustifiable barrier to trade, and, hence, in breach of Articles 2 and 12 of the TBT Agreement and Article XI:1 of GATT 1994. In addition, Peru argues that the Regulation is inconsistent with the principle of non-discrimination, and, hence, in breach of Articles I and III of GATT 1994.

Countries: Peru

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  • Published online: 26 Sept 2002
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