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- World Trade Report 2018
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Foreword by the WTO Director-General

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: World Trade Report 2018 , pp 3-4
- Publication Date: March 2018
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/d649a64f-en
- Language: English French, Spanish
Trade and technology are closely interlinked. From the invention of the wheel, to the railways, to the advent of containerization, technology has constantly played a key role in shaping the way we trade — and this phenomenon is accelerating like never before. We are living through an era of unprecedented technological change, and a series of innovations that leverage the internet could have a major impact. For example, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and Blockchain have the potential to profoundly transform the way we trade, who trades and what is traded.
Related Topics:
Economic research and trade policy analysis
Information technology and e-commerce
Trade monitoring
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