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20th Anniversary Brochures
The WTO has produced a series of brochures to mark its 20th anniversary. Each brochure looks into a specific area of WTO activity highlighting the achievements over the past 20 years.
Annual Report
The "Annual Report" summarises the WTO's activities and provides detailed information on the organization's structure staff and budget.
International Trade Statistics
"International Trade Statistics" provides a detailed overview of the latest developments in world trade covering both merchandise and services trade as well as trade measured in value-added terms
Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment: Annual Report by the Director-General
This annual report by the Director-General looks at the latest trade policy measures undertaken by WTO members and observers. These includes measures that facilitate as well as restrict the flow of trade. It is one of two trade monitoring reports published each year covering the whole WTO membership. This trade monitoring function is overseen by the WTO's Trade Policy Review Body.
Report on G20 Trade Measures
This report looks at the latest trade policy measures undertaken by G20 countries. These includes measures that facilitate as well as restrict the flow of trade. The Report is published twice a year. This trade monitoring function is overseen by the WTO's Trade Policy Review Body.
Report to the TPRB from the Director-General on Trade-Related Developments
This report by the Director-General looks at the latest trade policy measures undertaken by WTO members and observers. These includes measures that facilitate as well as restrict the flow of trade. It is one of two trade monitoring reports published each year covering the whole WTO membership. This trade monitoring function is overseen by the WTO's Trade Policy Review Body.
Services Profiles
"Services Profiles" provides key statistics on infrastructure services i.e. transportation telecommunications finance and insurance for over 150 economies. This series of publications has been integrated into the "Trade Profiles" series since 2016.
Status of WTO Legal Instruments
"Status of WTO Legal Instruments" covers the legal instruments drawn up by WTO members in relation to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and the plurilateral trade agreements annexed to that Agreement.
Tariff Profiles
The Tariff Profiles provide information on the market access situation of members observers and other selected economies.
Time Series on International Trade
This site provides a searchable database on international trade in merchandise and commercial services. The data are presented according to the product definitions and regional groupings specified in the technical notes.
Trade Policy Reviews
Monitoring of national trade policies is a fundamentally important activity running throughout the work of the WTO. At the centre of this work is the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM). All WTO members are reviewed the frequency of each member’s review varying according to its share of world trade. For each review two documents are prepared: a policy statement by the government under review and a detailed report written independently by the WTO Secretariat. These two reports together with the conclusions of the Chair of the Trade Policy Review Body are published shortly after the meeting.
Trade Profiles
"Trade Profiles" provides two-pages snapshots of the most relevant indicators on merchandise trade services and intellectual property for over 200 economies including all WTO members.
Trade Profiles
The Trade Profiles provide standard information on the structural trade situation and trade policy measures of members observers and other selected economies. The profiles are complemented with general macroeconomic indicators.
WTO Agreements Series
The WTO's Agreements are the legal foundation for the international trading system that is used by the bulk of the world's trading nations. This series offers a set of handy reference booklets on selected Agreements.
WTO Appellate Body Repertory
"The Repertory" covers all rulings of the Appellate Body a seven-member body that hears appeals from WTO members regarding dispute panel findings.
WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries
"One-Page Case Summaries" provides a succinct summary of all disputes brought to the WTO. It covers the findings of the dispute panel report for each case and the subsequent Appellate Body report in cases where WTO members appealed the original ruling.
World Tariff Profiles
"World Tariff Profiles" provides a unique collection of data on tariffs imposed by WTO members and other economies. It is jointly published by the WTO the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
World Trade Report
The "World Trade Report" is an annual publication that aims to deepen understanding about trends in trade trade policy issues and the multilateral trading system.
World Trade Statistical Review
The "World Trade Statistical Review" series provides a detailed analysis of the latest developments in world trade. It will be produced on an annual basis and replaces the series "International Trade Statistics" the WTO's former annual statistical publication.